American Literature From 1860

Course Description

In this class we will be exploring the history of American literature from 1860 to the present. Additionally, we will be looking at ways to quantify American literature using emerging computational tools to study these texts.


The majority of our texts (the vast majority) are available online, free of charge for you. Many of these texts are hosted in the public domain on Project Gutenberg and can be downloaded in popular eBook formats or read online. One text (Cotton Comes to Harlem) is available for purchase at the ASU Bookstore on the Polytechnic Campus.

As most of our texts will be available to you online, you will be responsible for bringing them to class for discussion. How you accomplish this task is up to you. Whether you bring the text on a laptop, a tablet, an eReader, a smart phone, or simply printed out on paper, it is imperative that you have the text with you in class.
