ENG 686 Directed Reading History & Theory of Rhetoric

Course Description

This course is intended as a fast-paced introduction to the rhetorical tradition, both in terms of the past canon and regarding the present extrapolation, amendation, and revision of that canon. The course offers readings in primary sources of the tradition before moving into critical works from recent rhetorical scholarship.

Course Overview

Course Description: Traces the history of rhetoric and its theoretical grounding from classical origins to modern concerns, including posthuman rhetoric, procedural rhetoric, and Native American rhetoric.

Course Justification: While courses on Rhetoric and History of Rhetoric are included in the Graduate Catalog (ENGL 654 and ENGL 655), no graduate-level rhetoric courses were offered from Fall 2014 to Spring 2016, the two-year period where PhD students entering in Fall 2014 must take course work. As a PhD student focused on rhetoric, a course like this is paramount for Emily. Nicole will benefit directly from this course as well since her research interests are focused on poetics and epistemology which rhetoric directly affects.

Research Expectations:

  • To be able to understand the history of rhetoric
  • To be able to identify key authors, moments, and concepts in the history of rhetoric
  • To produce one article-length essay contributing to rhetoric/history of rhetoric studies